Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A FULL HOUSE! (My Personal Sharing about KNORR HOUSEHOLD)

At the end of our last Driven Series Session, I was handed over a letter that contains an invitation to this year’s Brothers’ Household. Of course, I was at first not open with the idea for I was never comfortable living with people whom I just met. I never could imagine the major adjustment and adaptive mechanisms I would manifest and make use of if I would join these brothers in a house for three weeks. But with the innate gift of encouragement and convincing powers of my DGL and through God’s Grace, I gave my YES.

Fast forward and I have been called and chosen. I was amazed of the activities that brought together the brothers and seeing Jesus in our midst. Every moment spent with the brothers is a source of joy, inspiration and growth. In every life story and experiences we shared, wisdom unfolds. Every fellowship is an opportunity to deepen our relationship with another. Every meal shared around the table, makes you feel the spirit of unity and togetherness. And every morning and night prayer is an awe-inspiring and a wondrous scene to behold, truly a deep-seated and concrete manifestation of God’s work with all the brothers. All these situations really affirm what Jesus said: “where two or three gathered together in My Name, I am there in their midst.”

God’s ways of transforming me through the Brothers’ Household are somewhat unimaginable to think, that even the most negligible circumstances are being magnified – a missed 2-point shot during a basketball game will give you the most uplifting encouragements; a tap on the back, even when you mistakenly thrown a Frisbee disc to the opposing team; shouts of support just when you are about to serve the volleyball and then never even crossed the net; and joyous laughter with no hints of slur when your throat seems to be cut open just to hit a high-note during a videoke sing-off. In all these mundane situations, I can see Jesus – in a house full of His glory and holy presence.

Being counted by God to join the Household is both a privilege and a challenge – a privilege because I have seen His works in each brother and it makes me feel very excited of the things that He has in store for me in the future, the experience had humbled me to realize how great His plans against my own are. Through the Household, I was trained to live the Christian way of life and had learned to appreciate the eternal rewards of selfless service—this had posed in me a challenge as to how to sustain this kind of life aligned with His plans and then eventually reflect in myself the image of Jesus Christ who had set an example to lead by being a servant. But beyond these challenges, I have my faith built on solid rock.

By the end of the Household, I had one realization – that after attending the Driven Series and finally deciding to give my YES to Him, I had realized and seen how much He loves me, how He had blessed my life so much, how He sent Jesus to find me and how, in the end, He was actually waiting for my response. I know that by living the true Christian Life, I will be able to live my life to the fullest and experience that kind of life that the Lord wanted me to live by. By trying to become the best Christian I can be, I am able to become the best son, brother, friend, employee, and all the roles I’m given with. In trying to be like our Lord Jesus Christ, He is giving me the grace and strength to be the best John Lixter that He wants me to be, fulfilling His plans and surrendering to His will; although I will not be spared from the struggles and pains of life, what will make it different is the joy and hope that I put in Him and always recognizing that He is above everything, faithful, true and glorious!

To God, I bring all back the glory.

[August 25, 2014]

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