Friday, March 28, 2014


As the line stretches for a mile,
I'd noticed you forcing to hide a smile.
All these busy people passed on us;
As they try to choose between a train or a bus.

I lost you as you were swallowed by the crowd
My eyes looked for you there and all around,
But then I saw you there standing on the frontline,
I felt surprised and knew you were just fine

The train door opened to let us in
But the cruel crowd's frenzy now starts to begin.
Funny how I sat and you just stood;
To offer a seat with such a distance from you? Who would?

We already passed a number of stations;
But my mind still asked a lot of questions…
How? What? Who the hell are you?
Silly queries not answerable by Yes or No…

My android starts to play Taylor Swift's "Beautiful Eyes";
That's when I caught you looking at me--why?
Then comes the slowing down of the train,
Then wild synaptic impulse starts stirring in my brain.

The next stop is when I will be off,
A feeling of letdown starts to go aloft;
Then you stood too and readied to go out.
"What?!" -- was my mind's silent loud shout.

My thoughts keep on wandering,
On places, things, people and feelings.
Were you at the same pages as I am too?
Or this is just a stupid point of view?

I hope this'll be gone as too fast as it came;
For there's only one whom I'm going to blame.
For the last time, as I turned in the corner,
You just smiled while looking deeply far somewhere…

I stared at you walking away at the opposite track;
I hoped and wished, "Please, look back…"
You just walked, and walked, and walked on,
Until finally, and sadly you were gone…

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