Sunday, February 23, 2014


Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."


Sometimes we feel we're not doing the things we ought to do – then boredom and insatiability come in. We struggle; we endure the status quo because we thought we are caged in the present moment and breaking through it would mean lots of chaos and then mending them again. And again. The vicious cycle continues. We are stuck. Sometimes we feel we should be doing something great, that we've been destined to do greater things. To be more!

But lately, I was reminded that where I am is where God wants me to be. As is. Where is. I was reminded that wherever I am standing, I can still see the same infinite parallel line stretching as wide as the earth – the horizon. He is constant.

God’s plan is greater than that of ours. We may be feeling that where we are or what we are currently doing doesn’t really count; doesn’t really matter much. That we should be in another place where we can tap our hidden potential and be great; that where we are right now only brings out the worst in us instead of the great things hidden within is; but God doesn’t make mistakes, He put you there because He plans that you will have your breakthrough there. He placed you there for a greater mission.

Endure the hardships, struggle with hope, and keep the faith… God’s greatest creations aren’t the shining stars or the vast galaxies, or the highest mountains or the majestic canyons – it’s YOU and ME. And He’s got big dreams and revealing plans for us.

Never be discouraged of the things that you think shouldn’t be happening. He planned them. Your struggles, your pain, your sacrifices are for His greater glory.

Never forget His faithfulness, never forget who you are, never forget to whom you belong.

Keep on keeping on. God is God. Allow Him to be Him.

#rock & #shield

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