Friday, August 29, 2014

What’s In Your Hand?

It’s been a year since I become part of and eventually committed myself to Lingkod and looking back on those days with the community had made me realize how empty my baggage was before compared to how grace-filled it is right now in terms of living the Christian way of life. For once, I thought living a good life – away from serious sin, living righteously, and doing upright deeds – was enough for me to be called a “good” Christian in its genuine essence; such was a superficial belief! Lingkod had taught me to deepen my once shallow understanding of my faith and how to live with it in a way that describes how I deserve to have and show how concrete is that faith. And one of those enlightening realizations, I learned through service.
November last year, I was asked to be part of the Finance Team as my service in Lingkod. The invitation seemed dreary for my part since I was eyeing a different kind of service and such assignment wasn’t that exciting because I will again be dealing with numbers as I am already bombarded with them at work; nonetheless, I accepted the call. As a newbie in Lingkod and still learning the way of things, I looked at my service as a mere support for my community–nothing more, nothing less and yet I embraced it with such enthusiasm; and as my service with Lingkod continues on, as well as the struggles (while being in the service) that keeps on striving to pursue us; my appreciation for it blossomed for what I’m seeing was the bigger picture – sharing in God’s great mission. No longer do I consider service as a mere help or aide to Lingkod; but rather a spiritual exercise – working for the Lord’s vineyard.
And for this year, a new phase comes as I was asked to head the team. There were ounces of doubt for I know it will entail a new level of commitment and a new responsibility. But the Lord’s calming words never fail to comfort me as I remember the story when God appeared to Moses to tell him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses didn’t believe he could do all God was asking him to do. God responded to Moses’ excuses by asking him, “What is that in your hand?” and Moses answered: “A staff” (Exodus 4:2). God then filled Moses’ staff with His power. What an assurance! God, indeed, equips those whom He calls. Even those who are already equipped, He empowers even more. It is also through my willingness to express further my love for Him that I accepted the service and it enables me to confidently say: “Here I am; You called me”. Though, what I was called to do will never be tantamount to what He has already done, is currently doing and will be doing to and for me in the course my entire life; never will I shy away from God’s call to serve Him and be a part of the task He had commissioned first to the twelve ordinary men.
My confidence for stepping up comes from the truth that God can use anything we are willing to offer Him to fulfill His purpose and carry out the mission; if He can use a tiny pebble to knock out a giant, a sturdy stick to part a vast sea, two baskets to feed a thousand or a mighty pen to spread His words—He can use whatever we have or what we are capable of doing. God will infuse His power into us and whatever He asks of us, through His strength, any feat is a winning battle.
He equips, He enables, He calls, He empowers.
To God be the glory.